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Hope Palmer




               Silvia Monge





                       Selected Member


  • Board member of International Watercolor Society Advisory Committee 2018

  • Representative of IWS Costa Rica.

  • Costa Rican Association of Watercolor Artists (ACA)

  • Costa Rican Association of Visual Artists (ACAV)

  • International Association of Plastic Artists AIAP


Received Important Awards

  • 2018 Award for non objective subject, National Watercolor Society, USA

  • 2018 Excellence Award,  I International Watercolor Festival IWS Czech Republic

  • 2017 First Prize, II International Watercolor Biennale, IWS India

  • 2017 – Honorable Mention, III Annual Exhibition ACAV 

Municipal Museum 

  • 2016 – First Prize, Animalística en la Mirada – ACAV

National Gallery 

  • 2015 – Honorable Mention, II Annual Exhibition – ACAV

National Gallery 

  • 2015 – Best of Show – XI International Watercolor Biennale

Guati Rojo Museum 

  • 2014 – First Prize – Dinorah Carvallo – Tridimensional Work

Annual Exhibition of Visual Artists 

  • 2012 – National Award of Fine Arts – Aquileo J. Echeverria

Costa Rican Association of Watercolor Artists 

  • 2010 – First Prize – Inter American Development Bank (BID)

Latin America and the Caribbean 

  • 2010 – Honorable Mention – Extreme Watercolor

National Gallery 

  • 2009 – Creativity Award

Miami Watercolor Society 

  • 1997 – International Award 

Miami Watercolor Society 

  • 1992 – Honorable Mention XXII – Arts Award

Villa Palamos 

My art has been  in exhibitions in Czech Republic, Albania, Bangladesh, India, Italy, Japan, Mexico, China, Colombia, Argentina, France, USA, Spain and Costa Rico.


Cuauhtémoc Velázquez Luna

Originario de Guanajuato, Gto. México.

Obtuvo el Premio Nacional de Acuarela “Tlacuilo” en tres ocasiones, así como varias menciones honoríficas y especiales otorgadas tanto por la Sociedad Mexicana de acuarelistas como por el Museo Nacional de la Acuarela, México. Primer premio en “Un día una acuarela” en 2015, Museo de la Acuarela del Estado de México. Obtuvo Mención Honrosa en la VIII Bienal Internacional de acuarela Viña del Mar, Chile, 2016. Entre otros múltiples reconocimientos a nivel nacional e Internacional. Ha participado como jurado invitado en “WATERCOLORium”, Moscú y Barcelona en 2019 y 2020.

Su arte se ha expuesto en mas de 250 exposiciones entre nacionales e internacionales a lo largo de su trayectoria.Miembro de la (SMA), (IWS) y (AAEG) de la que actualmente es presidente.


Cuauhtémoc Velázquez Luna

Originally from Mexico.

He obtained the "Tlacuilo" National Watercolor Prize on three occasions, as well as several honorable and special mentions awarded both by the Mexican Society of watercolorists and by the National Museum of Watercolor, Mexico. First prize in "One day a watercolor" in 2015, Museum of Watercolor of the State of Mexico. He obtained Honorable Mention at the VIII International Biennial of Watercolor Viña del Mar, Chile, 2016. Among other multiple recognitions at the national and international level. He has participated as a guest jury in "WATERCOLORium", Moscow and Barcelona in 2019 and 2020.

His art has been exhibited in more than 250 national and international exhibitions throughout his career. Member of the (SMA), (IWS) and (AAEG) of which he is currently President.

Joye Moon image_edited.jpg

 "Being an artist is a holistic experience. For me, it combines the world of nature and the actual painting experience. When this all comes together, the magic of creativity begins.


 I feel it’s important for me to continually challenge myself by attempting to paint new subjects, create new techniques and experience different materials. Since I’m always pushing myself to learn more about the painting process, I am inspired to interpret the world in my own personal way. It also reinforces the fact that the world of art is endless and I must continue on my journey wherever it takes me”.


Joye Moon is a Fine Arts Graduate from the University of Wisconsin-Oshkosh, graduating Magna Cum Laude. She has earned her signature membership into the National Watercolor Society, Rhode Island, Western Colorado, Kentucky, Wisconsin and the Mississippi Watercolor Societies. A life long artist, Joye maintains her studio in Wisconsin and has taught over 200 watercolor workshops in Wisconsin, Illinois, Michigan, Maine, Florida, Georgia, Colorado, N. Carolina, Texas, Arizona, Connecticut and New York. As another aspect of her business, Joye has conducted 36 international art tours to Italy, France, Spain, Greece, Turkey, Germany, Austria, Hungary, Croatia, Czech Republic, Portugal, Mexico, Costa Rica and the Bahamas.


She has been invited to feature her work through one woman exhibits and group shows at art galleries, museums throughout the country and has been accepted into over 150 National and International Juried Exhibits.


 Joye’s book, “Exploring Textures in Watercolor” was published by North Light Books in 2008 and has been a best seller around the world. Her work has been featured in “Splash 8” by North Light Books and “How did you paint that? 100 Ways to Paint Flowers and Gardens,” by International Artist. She has also been published in many articles in art magazines such as American Artist, Watercolor and the Artist Magazine.

        Susan Santiago

Susan Santiago was an art teacher in the Los Ángeles School system for over 25 years. She always dreamed of opening her own gallery and her dream became a reality a few years after she permanently relocated to San Miguel. She opened Galería San Francisco in 2015, in a 500 year old historic building on San Francisco street and within 4 years permanently relocated to the Fabrica la Aurora. This former textile factory, from the turn of the century, is  one of San Miguel’s most unique art and design destinations. 

Benito Nogueira

Como el aire que respiro


Entre las técnicas pictóricas, la acuarela es una de las más exigentes y a decir de los grandes maestros de esa especialidad, el medio es caprichoso y difícil de domesticar. Es un medio que te elige o te desecha. Ese es tanto el reto como el embrujo de la técnica de pintar al agua.

De mesurada personalidad, Nogueira se transforma al contacto con la acuarela. Carga el pincel con el tinte para crear una pintura en movimiento; resuelve temas complejos con trazos abstractos afectos de luz y humedades dirigiendo baños de color de manera intuitiva dejándose guiar por el azar es un dialogo interno con la obra. Por dentro tan intenso, por fuera tan sereno.

A Benito Nogueira lo faculta una total libertad estética; es custodio y heredero de los grandes pintores que lo formaron y le predijeron: Alfredo Guati Rojo, Ignacio Barrios y Demetrio Llordén, enorme acuarelista con quien estudia en Barcelona son tan solo algunos de sus mentores, todos ellos artistas de excepcional rigor en esta difícil disciplina.


Esta enseñanza metódica y rigurosa le permite crear obras luminosas y directas con el ardor emotivo que es la llama de la inspiración. Acuarelista de inusual pertinencia que añade el color al agua con mano de ilusionista y siempre a la búsqueda de nuevos lenguajes en todo el mundo. No le son ajenos los talleres europeos que recorrió estudiando artes plásticas. Anualmente participa en foros nacionales e internacionales como la Asociación de Acuarelistas de San Petersburgo, Rusia por mencionar alguna. 





Benito Nogueira


Pintor mexicano alumno de grandes artistas como Ignacio Barrios y Demetrio Llordén. Realizó viajes de estudio por los principales museos de Inglaterra, Francia, Alemania, Austria e Italia, entre otros. Esta búsqueda lo llevo a ganar diversos premios, y a presentar exposiciones individuales y colectivas. Actualmente es el Director del Museo de la Acuarela del Estado de México, en Toluca, México.



Benito Nogueira is a Mexican painter and student of artists such as Ignacio Barrios, and Demetrio Llordén. He traveled abroad in order to study at the main museums in England, France, Germany, Austria and Italy, among others. He has received several awards throughout his career and has presented Solo and collective expositions. He is currently the Director of the Watercolor Museum located in Toluca, Estado de México. 

Juan Zaragoza

Impacting embraces

Juan Manuel Zaragoza Zúñiga was born in Michoacán, Mexico, in 1979, a graduate of Fine Arts at the University of Guanajuato in 2002.

Juan Zaragoza is a mature painter, having studied, taught, and exhibited full time for over 25 years. Winner of several awards, including “First Place in the National Painting Contest MIQ” in 2017, honorific mention at the Bienal de Pintura 2018 and his most recent Solo exhibition at the MIQ Museum in Guanajuato Capital for the Festival Internacional Cervantino 2021.

At this stage in his career, Zaragoza focuses primarily on the beauty found in San Miguel, whether it be his majestic mageys, his cocky, colorful roosters, landscapes of the wild open plains of the high Sierra Madres, or the streets and vendors of our sixteenth century town.

As we admire his artwork, we are reminded of something Terry Fenton once said:

"They don't shout, but neither do they whisper; they don't intrude …yet they trans-form their surroundings as only great art can.”

And, what Pablo Picasso said in a phrase that applies to our artist:

“Art cleans out the daily dust from our soul.”

There is nothing pretentious, nor dated, about Juan Zaragoza’s work. It re-flects the timeless magnificence of nature and man’s ability to not only appre-ciate but to co-create with the divine.Zaragoza believes in the power of art to uplift, to inspire, to rejuvenate. He would love to see a world where great art is at the core of everyone’s life and all societies.




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